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LMC Newsletter Viewpoint - June 2021

View the newsletter: 2106VP.pdf

Please see the attached June edition of the LMC Newsletter Viewpoint and accompanying documents containing topical matters listed below:

- Update from Victoria Eaton - Director of Public Health - Accurate 24/6

- Long-COVID and weight management enhanced services

- GP appointment data

- Delay in roll-out of patient data sharing programme (GPDPR)

- New PCSE pay and pension system

- Changes to annual complaints collection (K041b form)

- Spirometry

- Integrated Care System

- Extending the medical examiner into primary care

- FAQs to support students in higher education institutions access covid vaccination

- Enhanced shared parental leave system for salaried GPs

- Contact your MP about punitive pension tax

- NHS Pension Scheme taxation and the Government response to the changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 scheme

- Vacancies



Supplementary information